Why Stress Might Be Causing Your Bladder Leaks
FIona Healy FIona Healy

Why Stress Might Be Causing Your Bladder Leaks

Stress is a normal part of life. Stress becomes problematic when it is prolonged and there is no relief between stressors. The pelvic floor is one of those regions that is very tightly intertwined with the rest of your nervous system, your brain and everything else that’s going on in your body and in your life, meaning that these tissues are likely to experience the negative effects of stress and anxiety.

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It’s Not Just About The Pelvic Floor
FIona Healy FIona Healy

It’s Not Just About The Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is surrounded by many muscles which affect how it performs. When we want to improve pelvic floor dysfunction we need to look at all the muscles that surround the pelvis.

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The hips and the pelvic floor: friends or foes
FIona Healy FIona Healy

The hips and the pelvic floor: friends or foes

Your poor pelvic floor gets all the blame when thinking about incontinence or prolapse. “My pelvic floor muscles are dead” or “I have no pelvic floor” are things I hear an awful lot in the clinic. While your pelvic floor may be weak it has NOT left your body or disintegrated into nothing. It is there, surrounded by you hip and core muscles, which need attention too.

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